For those of you with children that love outsdoors stuff
I just started a part time position at Bass Pro outdoor world. I have to say that this place is just amazing. You would think a big company would start to forget about what human beings are and only thrive on profits alone. But it is not the case with this company. On my second day of training I learned things that I have never even thought about and it all put together the reason I like going to that store in the first place. I can go on and on and on about all of that cool stuff, but want to get to my reason for the post.
If you want free pictures of your children with Santa then plan on coming down to see Santa. There will be a winter wonderland for the kids to come and just do what kids do. They even have a carousel and various other things to do (don't want to spoil it all for you), they can even sit down and send Santa a letter to ask for whatever it is they want. I just wanted to let you all know about this awesome segment they are doing here. I hope to see you all there!