Quadrajet Love

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Quadrajet Love

Postby Cortez » Mon May 02, 2011 5:28 pm

Ok, so I just have to brag about the quadrajet that I put on this winter. I finally had a chance to run it on the trail and was truly impressed. I hit many steep hills this weekend (Metberry, Hackett, and Longwater gulches with Jesus Man) that my Edelbrock flooded out on previously and the qjet ran like a top. Smooth, with no hesitation or flooding...not a single problem. Off angle and straight steeps...neither presented a problem. I'll probably postpone the fuel injection given the way this is running. All in I have $200 in the carb...not bad for the improvement, especially when I sold my old Edelbrock 1406 for $200 I basically broke even on this deal. I highly recommend the quadrajet. I got mine off an 1979 Olds 455 and had it rebuilt, then I rejetted it.
BCO Junky - NP435, PS & PB Conversion + Hydroboost, 3.5"SL+1"BL, 35" MT's, D44 Swap, Family Cage. Saving for EFI, Seats, and Paint
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Re: Quadrajet Love

Postby Entourage » Mon May 02, 2011 5:50 pm

That is great news. Glad that is worked out for you. Nice to know there is a step before adding EFI.
"I truly believe that good will outweigh evil, but there won't be peace on earth until the power of love overcomes the love of power" - Jimi Hendrix
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