Colorado Early Bronco Group Camping and Wheeling trip
Colorado Early Bronco Group wants to invite CCB members to our annual camping/wheeling trip.
When: July 23rd - 26th
Where: Camping will be at Taylor Park Reservoir
Some details: We will run several trails around the area including Taylor Pass, Pearl Pass, Alpine Tunnel thru Hancock and Tincup,
Paradise Falls thru Schofield Pass and Crystal City. And Might try to fit in Mosquito Pass.
If you want to join in (please do) send us an email at
coearlybroncogroup@gmail.comThis is a 4 day adventure, Friday morning thru Monday, If you want to only come a day or 2, You're still welcome. Just get with us for the itinerary.
Complete stock bronco isn't recommended for some of the trails we will be going on, but can do some. Recommend minimum 2.5" lift and decent tires. Otherwise we won't be doing extremely hard trails. Just more mild.
Any questions, Feel free to email us or call 303-406-1491 and leave a message
Thank you Andy Janes