I wanted to start a thread on topics to discuss at the first Meet & Greet. Not sure how formal this meeting will be, but since it is our first meeting, there will be a few administration items/topics to cover. I have created a list of topics and noticed there are already a few issues from looking at the posts.
1. Introductions - Hi, I am __________ and I am Broncoholic
2. Site Administration (Zillacon requested help managing this amazing site)
3. Forum Access Public, Private, Hybrid (Private Areas
4. 2011 Calendar Items
a. Local Events (Car Shows, Cruise Nights, Sporting Events, etc.)
b. Golden First Fridays
c. Sonic Drive-In Dates
d. Group Event Ideas (Moab, RMR, Budweiser Brew Master Tour, etc.)
5. Meeting Schedule
a. Bi-Monthly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Weekly, Bi-Weekly
b. Day of The Month, Week, and Time of Meetings
c. Possible Meeting Locations
6. Group Rides
a. Trail Rides (Left Hand, Ft. Collins, etc.)
b. Drives (Fall Leaves, Snow 4-Wheeling, 14,000’ Areas, Pikes Peak, Peak to Peak, etc.)
7. Ideas to make this Club better (Past Experiences, Good and Bad, Changes, Suggestions, etc.)
8. Community Tools Available to Members (Torch, Beater Tires, Jack Stands, Engine Lift, etc.)
9. Skills Available to Members (Electrical, Taxes,
, etc.)
10. Group Projects
a. Build Projects (Custom Bumpers, Tire Racks, Jerry Cans, Rock Skis, etc.)
b. Upgrade Projects (Hydroboost, Lockers, Winches, EFI, Stereos, etc.)
11. Vendor Discounts (Bronco Hut, etc.)
12. Store Discounts (Auto Parts, Tires/Wheels, etc.)
13. Hookups (Friends, Friends of Friends, Family, etc.)
14. Work Discounts (Not Stolen Office Supplies
15. Club Logo Design Ideas
16. Club Stickers for our Trucks -
http://www.ColoradoClassicBroncos.com 17. Dues (Web Hosting Fees, Software, Domain Name Fees, EB Sighting Tag Cards, Stickers, etc.)
18. Group Talents (Web Design, Photoshop, Mechanical, Photography,
, Auto Body, Painting, Home Beer Brewing, etc.)
If you have any ideas, revisions, changes, etc. just post your ideas so we can get through the administration part and get looking at Broncos! Cannot wait to see Dennis’ Engine Cage in person
Thanks guys and look forward to meeting you all on Saturday.